Residential School and its Lasting Impact

An infographic brochure for secondary and post-secondary students, educating them about the lasting impact of residential school on survivors.


Inform students of the lasting impact of residential schools on survivors.

The topic requires addressing a sensitive and complex historical issue that may trigger emotional responses from survivors and their families. It may also cause discomfort among young students who may not be familiar with the topic.

Additionally, the information may be emotionally difficult to convey in an age-appropriate and culturally sensitive way while also being informative, accurate and sensible.


Present the harmful effects in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

When teaching students, it is essential to present complex and sensitive subjects clearly and straightforwardly, mainly when dealing with a diverse group of secondary and post-secondary students who may come from different backgrounds. By simplifying these topics, students can understand them more easily and absorb the material better.

Integrating Dennis Saddleman’s story on the infographic puts a face on the lasting impact of residential school survivors, ensuring they are not seen as mere statistics but as people.


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