A re-introduction of an iconic organization that will meet the lifelong learning, reading, and information needs of Vancouver residents for years to come.


Re-introduce an iconic organization while ensuring that the general public is not excluded

Vancouver Public Library has been dedicated to meeting the lifelong learning, reading and information needs of Vancouver residents for over 100 years.

The Vancouver Public Library is committed to serving a diverse audience of all ages, backgrounds, and interests. The library offers accessible resources, regardless of socio-economic status, age, language, or ability. However, the campaign's main focus will be attracting younger audiences between the ages of 13-25 while ensuring that the general public is not excluded.


Introduce various books based on different interests

The Vancouver Public Library is rebranding to maintain its connection with Vancouver's citizens. The goal is to inspire the younger generation to read, write, and become lifelong learners while staying current by introducing innovative programs and services that can adapt to changing times.

To introduce the library to the younger generation, it is important to highlight different books that cater to different interests and preferences. This can help young people discover new books and foster a love for reading.


Residential School and its Lasting Impact